Fitch Four Drive Tractors in action

from a Four Drive Tractor Company brochure 1928/1929

Four Drive Tractor with rollers and double planer-surfacer making 16 foot wide cut in very wet fresh clay and fill at Atlanta, GA on January 26, 1928.

clay in Atlanta

Four Drive Tractor pulling a three-row
lister at Dighton, Kansas, 1927.

pulling a 3 row lister Kansas 1927

Compound hill plowing on Pacific Coast.

plowing on Pacific Coast

Four Drive Tractor, with double width wheels, pulling three one-yard Maney graders - August 1922.

pulling 3 graders 1922

Four Drive Tractor pulling a 16 foot Case combine
at Larned, Kansas on May  31, 1927.

pulling a Case combine

Four Drive Tractor with extension rims and
tampening growsers - total wt 10,000 lbs.

tampening growsers 10,000 lbs

Four Drive Tractor with tamping equipment
(wt 9,000 lbs) pulling 12,000 lbs roller.

12,000 lb roller

Four Drive Tractor cultivating 120 to 150
acres of cotton at Lourenco Marues,
Portuguese East Africa (now Mozambique).

Portugese East Africa

Turning under titree at Dargaville, New Zealand
with a Four Drive Tractor.

Dargaville, New Zealand

Four Drive Tractor with 8 inch grousers
in mud and water of rice fields.

8 inch grousers in rice field

Four Drive Tractor pulling a 10-foot grader
doing ditch work in Missouri.

Fitch pulling a ditcher in MO

Fitch Four Drive pulling a corn picker
and wagon in Iowa field.

Four Drive Tractor owned by Remus Construction Company
of Menominee, MI pulling 5 yards of soil (15,000 lbs)
on a fresh gravel road - 20 July 1922.

Remus Const. Fitch 1922