the following photos are from various sources
- courtesy of Richard & Lynda Rosemus, Jim Spall, R. Alister Clark, Jackie
Danalewich, Richard Robinson and Bob Thoms. |
Four Drive Tractor unloading in the
San Jose, CA region - photo by
John C. Gordon, circa 1930.
Four Drive Tractor working near
Seddon, Marlborough, New Zealand.
Fitch tractor at a sawmill at Atiamuri, New Zealand in 1946 - photo
by Bob Ward.
Four Drive Tractor at Endeavor Inlet, Marlborough, New Zealand in
- photos by Alister Clark.
Fitch Four Drive pulling a section of a huge tree
Fitch tractor pulling four 14" bottoms in Gumbo stubble.
(Gumbo is a fine silty soil, common in the southern and western
US, that forms an unusually sticky mud when wet)
- from a brochure circa 1917.
Plowing and disking with a Fitch Four Drive.
Three Fitch Tractors in a ditch, circa 1925 - location unknown
but probably California.
George W. Smith of Colorado - The "Four-Wheel Drive Specialist", circa
Located at 1644 to 1646 Wazee Street in Denver (now 3 1/2 blocks SW
of Coor's Field).